20 August 2018

Gratitude / Bersyukur

Mula terbaca pasal "gratitude" ni, di Linkedin. Menarik tulisannya. Secara kasarnya saya rasakan maknanya dalam bahasa Melayu adalah "bersyukur". Saya semak dengan Pakcik Google, memang betul, ia membakwa makna "bersyukur" atau "kesyukuran".
Kita kerap kali mencari dan berusaha untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita perlu dan apa yang kita ingin. Kadang-kadang kita terlupa untuk menilai semula apa yang kita sedia ada dan seterusnya, mensyukurinya. Jadi, bila saya terbaca mengenai "gratitude" ini di alam maya, saya sendiri keluar dari diri saya, dan cuba melihat pada diri saya sendiri, apa yang saya "ada".
Betul juga, mungkin saya sendiri lupa, tentang banyaknya yang saya telah sedia ada. Lalu, saya sibuk mencari dan terus mencari. Sampai bila......
Saya teroka alam maya untuk informasi yang lebih lanjut mengenai "gratitude" atau "bersyukur" ini. Rupanya, ia sesuatu yang bukan lahir secara semulajadi sahaja, tetapi boleh dididik dan di perkasakan. Ia adalah satu "attitude"!
Ini beberapa perkara yang boleh kita lakukan untuk melahirkan satu pendirian/attitude terhadap kesyukuran/gratude. Cubalah anda renung-renungkan, praktikkan jika perlu......
Here are four steps you can take to begin your gratitude practice and integrate all your blessings into your life:
1. Awareness: Be aware of things you are grateful for and notice the little things in your life. Gratitude is about thankfulness for the things that you have in your life. When you notice something, take note of it and tell yourself “I am grateful for... “
2. Write: Write down the things you are grateful for. Start a gratitude journal! By writing down things you are grateful for, you will begin to shift your mindset and see all the things in your life that you truly are blessed with.
3. Share: Share your gratitude experience with others. Tell them about the things you are grateful for and start a positive conversation about all the things you have or are blessed with, rather than all the things that you wish you had in your life. Positivity is contagious and a positive attitude of gratitude is as well. Let’s share this excitement to create a positive life for ourselves and others.
4. Commit: Commit to your gratitude practice every day, not just during the holidays or when something unfortunate happens. An attitude of gratitude is a practice... and you need to practice! Write in your journal daily, or take a couple of minutes each day to tell yourself what you are grateful for. A daily practice of gratitude can begin to shift your entire life into one that is open to receiving positivity.
Above all, remember that gratitude is an attitude, so shift your perspective and start to see your world shift!
Tulisan asal mengenai perkara di atas, boleh anda dapati di sini:

Selamat Hari Raya, Aidil Adha


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